March 5, 2015

Boston-based motion graphics designer Matthew DiVito is probably one of the most popular artists making animated gifs today, he is creating these mind-blowing animated GIFs using a combination of After Effects and Cinema 4D. Each image which appear to be inspired by 1970-80s era motion graphics with a distinctly modern twist. In his work is a variety of styles, almost all of them with a surreal or sci-fi look.

These are just a few of my favorites, but you can see dozens more on his Tumblr page. He posts new GIFS regularly, even if not particularly frequently. You'll find geometric shapes set against amazing landscapes with images that resemble kaleidoscopes and fractals.

sci fi retro gifs with hypnotizing mystery

animated gifs with a sci fi retro feeling

trippy animated gifs

trippy animated gifs by matthew divito

trippy animated gifs with a sci fi retro feeling

trippy animated gifs with a sci fi retro feeling

trippy animated gifs with a sci fi retro feeling

retro feeling

animated gifs

trippy animated gifs with a sci fi retro feeling

trippy animated gifs with a sci fi retro feeling

trippy animated gifs with a sci fi retro feeling

trippy animated gifs with a sci fi retro feeling



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