August 27, 2020

We’re loving these incredible geometric 3D Anamorphic artworks by Truly using optical illusion of abstract shapes, a technique which manipulates human visual perception in a distorted projection or perspective that requires the viewer to be present in a specific vantage point to create a recognizable image.

Always curious and dedicated to experimentation, Truly Design Studio is a italian art collective with an impressive trompe-l’œil technique, The studio was born in 2003 as a graffiti crew, they arise from the encounter of its four founders who meet in the late 90’s in train yards, abandoned factories and suburbs, experimenting with graffiti, a passionate and a commitment group which culminate in a urban street art project.

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting

geometric anamorphic perspective illusion painting


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