February 3, 2021

There is a saying that the opposites attract, a bride and groom from Melbourne (Australia) took that saying literally and created a wedding party reception that distinctly defines how contrasting personalities they have, in a black and color dichotomy.

Completely devoid of white (the traditional style of weddings), Ryan from Boom Studios and Von from Ivy Creative used their skills and talents as artists to split the venue right down the middle, with half being blacked out and the other half being bright and lively colorful. The guests also got in on the theme, dressing up in different colors to complement the general theme.

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

contrasting black color party

Made by Ryan @boomstudios

Designed by Von @ivy_creative

Styled by her sister @bumbalena

via thecoolhunter.net


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