June 4, 2016

How can you make the most out of a newly created logo? well the answer is by animating it. Animated brands are mostly used in presentations for showcasing design skills and they displayed as short movie clips or GIF images, but as SVG and CSS are reaching maturity in terms of animations capabilities, more developers and designers are choosing to display a dynamic animated logo instead of a static one. By choosing to replace the static logo with the dynamic animated one, your page brand will reach full potential and it will be highly memorable.

This set of animated brands has been created by Yaroslav Kononov. Please make sure you visit his behance page and give him some love.

boudoir interactive animated logo

hyperkey interactive animated logo

praxis interactive animated logo

webie interactive animated logo

green tree interactive animated logo

lerners interactive animated logo

swing interactive animated logo

rabbit run interactive animated logo

good enuff interactive animated logo

puzzle interactive animated logo

tyler interactive animated logo

localization interactive animated logo

lipovoe interactive animated logo


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