December 21, 2016

As a small business owner, it's easy to think yourself in a different category from big business. This is especially true when it's reinforced to you so often.

Small businesses have different bank accounts; they pay different taxes and face different issues in the day-to-day running; their marketing budget is more than you balance sheet in total. What for a small business would be a very good day might be a meager one for a large multinational. When you have this difference reinforced to you at every possible turn, it's difficult not to find yourself thinking of "them" and "me".

Outside of this, there are more things that unite a small business and a larger one than you would think. One of the worst things that you can do as a smaller entrepreneur is think that some of the things businesses are required to do are not relevant to you. As these types of businesses grow organically often from sole trader status, the line becomes even more blurred.

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When you are the boss, you take the full mantle of responsibility of ensuring that you're doing the things you should. If you don't, your business and your bottom line are ultimately going to pay the price.

You Can't Avoid... taking care of health and safety.

So much health and safety legislation seems to be aimed at huge businesses with massive complexes and premises. How can they be subject to the same rules as you, with your small company and your even smaller business premises?

It doesn't seem fair, and to an extent, it isn't. However, you still have to play by the rules. You can ensure you are operating safely within the law without having to burden yourself with understanding the legislation.

You Can't Avoid... Taxes

Don't ever think you can save yourself some money by being careless with taxes. You may have heard of certain huge companies managing to dodge tax, so it becomes appealing to try and do it yourself. You're on a much smaller scale, and the revenue is more vital to you - who's going to notice?

Possibly no one. But if they do, then you're not going to get any sweetheart deals from the government because you're too big to fail. It could end in bankruptcy. Don't take the risk.

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You can’t avoid… caring for your employees’ personal wellness

Supporting your small team and looking after their personal wellness is essential so your operation keeps running smoothly.

Focusing on wellbeing improves staff performance and can help your small business grow.

Just listen to Hapbee - maker of the wearable Hapbee headband - a company that leverages social media to endorse the use of its technology in the workplace. They claim that using these products reduces workplace distractions and helps employees control negative emotions that stop people from doing their best work.

You Can't Avoid... Positive Customer Service

We associate customer service with call centers, headsets and being on hold for hours at a time. These are for huge operations, not the smaller companies that don't have the resources for this kind of staffing.

Nevertheless, positive customer service is vital for any business. You have to be willing to accept constructive criticism and accept mistakes, then go on to rectify them. If you don't have the funds for a full-time customer service advisor, then do it yourself and ensure all customers leave with their desires and concerns satisfied. Anything else and you won't be seeing any repeat business.


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