April 1, 2021

Most artists make the bulk of their money through commissioned works because it adds that extra bit of personality to a piece. However, enticing your followers to purchase artwork is always an uphill battle, even with a great portfolio. With so many scammers and art thieves on the Internet, you need to build trust in your audience through testimonials to stay in business.

What is a Testimonial, and Why do They Matter?

Consumers aren’t as trusting as they used to be and aren’t likely to buy from a new business just because they offer a product they may want. Competition is also a prominent factor for any online store. There are thousands of artists like you on the Internet, some more established or better at a particular art style. To set yourself apart, you need positive testimonials of your work.

testimonials template

design by Hassanur Rakib

Testimonials and reviews give validity to what you’re doing from a third party who purchased from you. Multiple positive testimonials from a legitimate source can do wonders for your business, but you also need to avoid negative reviews if you want to flourish.

Testimonial Examples for Creative Businesses

While there are multiple ways someone can leave a review, some templates are better than others. Use the following testimonial examples as they work best for creative businesses.

1. Written/Quote Testimonials

The most common type of testimonial, a quote or written review, helps your potential customers make a decision based on another client's experience with your customer service and skills. It’s best to draw the eye with a photo, a 2-7 word bolded quote, then the rest of the text.

testimonials design

design by santiagomanzi

2. Video Testimonials

Video testimonials are one of the most trustworthy review formats because they’re difficult to fake. To make these effective, you need to create questions for a video testimonial, so your customers are able to highlight the best aspects of your business and featured work.

3. Social Testimonials

Social media websites are the perfect place for artists because they allow you to show off your work in all its splendor. Testimonials on social media can come in the form of tweets about your products, screenshots of your work, or Facebook posts on the client’s page that back your art.

How to Get Testimonials

4. Email Links or Widgets

Set up an email subscription service that asks the client how satisfied they were with their purchase. A creative business that uses a freelance model will usually know immediately if their client is satisfied or wants to edit the final project. After they’re happy with the product, ask them for a written review via a form, website, or within the email itself. Inform them that their feedback may be put on your website and ask if you can use their picture or if they can record a message.

5. Facebook Reviews

The Facebook Marketplace is a perfect place to sell your art, but if you want to have a client-specific page, you may want to make a business account. Reviews left on Facebook are attached to the writer's profile, making them easy to verify. Facebook is also convenient with asking clients to leave reviews because followers will receive a notification to leave a testimonial periodically. You can also ask for a testimonial in Facebook Messages directly.

6. Survey Form

Forget about sending your clients a script; a survey form does all of the work for you. Google Forms, Survey Monkey, and Typeform allow the user to create questions that the client can answer in the text box. Once the form is completed, send the link to the client. Surveys allow for user anonymity, making it easier for them to be honest and offer constructive criticism. While survey reviews may not be useful for your website or pages, they can give you insights on where to adjust so you can avoid these reactions in the future and build stronger relationships.


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