April 27, 2017

If you’re a creative person who does a creative job, you probably don’t think you need to develop much of a brain for business. Leave all that stuff to the men in suits, right? Well, not exactly. There are plenty of ways in which having a good understanding of business practice and how business works can help you as a creative person. Here are some of the main reasons why that’s the case.

Expanding the Breadth of Your Knowledge

The more you know, the better placed you will be to find success in your career. That’s the way it works. There are an array of things you need to get right if you are going to get better at what you do and find career success. And having the right business skills is just one example of that. It should definitely be a part of your efforts to expand the breadth of your knowledge and succeed in life. Without the right business skills, you will never be a fully rounded professional with the ability to succeed and push further.

You Could Face Legal Problems

There are all kinds of copyright issues and patent laws that creative people should be aware of. You don't want to inadvertently infringe on someone else’s rights. It will land you in hot water, and you could even end up in court if you’re not careful. Having a good understanding of business practices and business law will help you to find any kind of scenario like that, so don’t underestimate the importance of this. Ellis Whittam can help with these kinds of legal issues. Don’t try to go it alone if you don't have the right knowledge.

creative brain business

Many Designers and Creative People are Freelancers

There are so many designers and creative people out there, and more and more of them are working as freelancers. When you work in this way, you are essentially running your own small business. You have to look after the accounts, the taxes and the workload. There is no one who can do these things for you, so you have to be on the ball at all times. Every freelancer, no matter what kind of work they do, has to have some basic business skills and knowledge of how the business world operates. Without that, you’ll get left behind pretty quickly by those around you.

Profitability Allows You to Carry on Being Creative

Creative people can only carry on doing the things they love if they do work that makes money and is capable of keeping them profitable. This is only going to be the case if you have good business skills and the knowledge required to sell what you do. It’s not always easy to make that happen, and many creative people don’t know how to get to that point. This really holds them back and stops them from achieving the things they want to achieve. Don't let that happen to you as well. It would be a shame to let your creative talent go to waste.


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