January 19, 2017

Working on a website is often the kind of thing that can quickly turn into a long drawn out project. The truth is, there is a certain art to developing websites, and a certain science as well. Finding the right balance between these two is often the best way to go if you are looking to improve your website. It really doesn’t matter what the ultimate purpose of your website is. Whether it is for a new business, a cause, or just a personal vanity site, there are certain elements that are all but unmissable if you want it to be viewed and appreciated by real people. In this post, we are going to take a look at those qualities, so that you can better understand what your website needs. This should help in its design, and it might help if you make any other websites in the future.

exemplary website

Easy Navigation

Above all, your visitors want to have an easy time of it. There is nothing worse than a website which just doesn’t make sense. You need it to be laid out in a logical way, so that navigating the site is straightforward and even a monkey could do it. If you are unsure whether your navigation is simple enough, try to draw out your site map like a tree. If it is not as easy as drawing a roadmap to a favourite local area, then chances are it could do with paring down and simplifying a little. Navigation is one of the most important elements, as it keeps your visitors from getting lost and getting frustrated.

Smooth Design

Of course, the aesthetics of the site are just as important, for the same reason that a magazine’s looks are important to the whole thing. If you want your visitors to enjoy their time at your website as much as possible, then you will need to spend at least some of your time focusing on the design itself. There are as many design ideas as there are webmasters, of course, but you need to make sure that it falls in line with certain trends and fashions which people have come to expect. That way, they will take you much more seriously. You might also find it useful to use something like the WondermentApps, which can help in the design stage of setting up a website.

hands people woman working

Frequent Updates

A website which just sits there and does nothing is unlikely to make much of an impression - and this is something that a lot of people overlook or forget about entirely. You need to make sure that you are keeping your website updated frequently, as this ensures that people will actually return because they know that there will be new posts some time soon. The best way to do this is to have a blog on there, but you can use your imagination and do something entirely different if you like, so long as the result is the same and you keep people coming back for more.


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