October 3, 2021

No matter what type of website you have, there are always great ways in which you can make it more creative. Whether you run a travel blog, a money saving site or a news channel, there are all manner of different widgets you can include to set your site apart from the competition.

best creative widgets website

illustration by Ghani Pradita

Website building platforms have come on leaps and bounds over the years, allowing users to create interesting and neatly designed websites that put engagement and usability at the heart of every site. But what are the widgets you can add to your site to take it to the next level?

Live Chat

If customer engagement and service is at the heart of your business, then it makes sense to have as many options for customers to get in touch as possible.

For eCommerce sites and websites offering a service then it can be an instrumental way to secure business. You’ll find many major businesses have live chat functions on their site today, the vast majority of those using AI. From banks to couriers, retailers to marketing agencies the possibility of getting quick answers is easier than ever. It’s believed that adding a live chat function increases sales by 10% and conversions by 40%, so the value of them is clear to see.

There are a number of widgets that can be added to a website to integrate live chat, but of course you do need to be able to manage and maintain it otherwise it can have a negative impact on customer service.

Contact Form

Similarly, contact forms are also useful to be added. They are a staple of any site these days and you’ll find more sites have them than don’t. If you own one of those sites that don’t, then it’s time to add a widget into your site.

The more options to get in touch with you the better and contact forms are a quick and simple way of doing that. Most website builders will allow you to add one in on your contact page, while they can also be useful on your homepage for even quicker ways to get in touch.

Do be aware that not everyone likes to use contact forms to get in touch though, so include an alternative email address and other methods of contact on the page so there’s plenty of methods and opportunity to get in contact.


If you’re looking to find out more about the audience you’re earning, then integrating surveys into your blog content can be a good way of doing this.

There are a number of widgets in which you can do this and you can use them for many different reasons. Firstly, you can understand what customers want from you, whether that be in relation to products, services, or the type of content they want to see on the blog. You can then refine your offering and give them exactly what they want.

This in turn will keep people on your site longer and increase sales and conversions. It doesn’t matter what type of site you have, it can prove a hugely worthwhile activity.


Many sites don’t use imagery effectively enough and one way to do so is integrating galleries into your work. There are dozens of great galleries you can use and there’s plenty of inspiration that can be found online too.

From large, full page galleries, to scrolling galleries, sliders and more there are many different ways you can showcase your imagery, so think carefully about what is the best suited to what you wish to display.


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