August 16, 2017

You would think that the most important thing about running a successful creative business is the creativity, right? Don't get me wrong, of course, this is at the top of the list, but something that is at least equal to it is how we deal with clients. Yes, that right, you can be the best designer, artist, or programmer in the world but if you can't deal with people, you are going to have a hard time in this industry. As they are the one that will be paying your wages. So, with that in mind, check out our guide below on how to be a master at client interaction and use this to gain more work for your creative business.

workspace desk clients

Be nice?!!

Urgh! I hate the word nice, is so nondescript, but it does kind of fit here. What it means is that it really pays to be pleasant to your clients. Don't make them call you for a revision only to be met with sighs and annoyance. They are after all paying for this service and unless they are really taking the p*** it's your job to provide this by being at least civil to them.

Yes, I know clients can seem needy, especially if they have no experience in the creative world, and this can be annoying. But remember it's part of the service that you are offering to guide them through the process, giving them what they want without feeling like they have been through the ringer at the end of it all. After all, would you go back to a film that makes you feel like an idiot every time you have a question to ask or change to make?

Be professional

Next, remember that clients are always going to be more likely to go with firms that have a professional appearance. This is true of larger companies as well as one-man-band freelancers. Why? Well, it's because if you have a professional image, you will seem more organized, serious, and trustworthy. Giving the impression that you are a good place for them to invest their money.

So, how can you ensure that you come across as professional? Of course, there are the obvious things like having a great logo, branding your company consistently and hitting deadlines. However, being professional is a little more complicated than just these surface factors.

In fact, if you want to be seen as truly professional you need to get your digital platforms up to speed by engaging a user experience agency when switching from being a bricks and mortar business to an online one. Having the right website, digital strategy, and even CRM behind the scenes can make a massive difference on how your customer will perceive you. As well as help to convert site hits into actual business. Something that is very valuable in the competitive world of the creative industries.


Lastly, while in the creative work your portfolio is vital, also remember that testimonies and recommendations from previous happy clients can be invaluable. Collect these and display them on your website, or via an external host like Trustpilot to help you convince clients that you are the best choice for the job.


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