March 27, 2024

Many aspiring artists turn to the online community to present their work to the general public. Not only will this enable them to reach an extremely diverse audience, but it is often cheaper when compared to reserving space within brick-and-mortar art galleries. Still, relatively few artists are aware of the intricacies associated with digital marketing. Let's cut through the fluff and examine a handful of key takeaway points so that your efforts are not wasted.

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Artist UI by Biondic Vladimir

Create a Standalone Websites

Websites will allow you to build a solid reputation over time. These are also useful tools when building a loyal client base. So, make it a point to research the most relevant domain names for artists. You can then narrow down this selection based on your genre, and the means by which you wish to present yourself. Always remember that a quality domain name speaks 1,000 words in terms of developing a solid virtual identity.

Make a Visual Statement

We are not only referring to how your artwork is presented in this case. First impressions matter, so be sure that your site is easy to navigate, and that all pages load quickly. While this can be a rather technical subject, there are also plenty of widgets that can be employed to enhance the end-user experience. From the presence of graphic design icons to intuitive navigation menus, those who choose to remain on your site for longer periods of time are more likely to take further action (such as purchasing a print or confirming a subscription).

Learn About the Competition

Competitive analyses are often associated with more traditional marketing techniques, and yet, they can work wonders in the world of art. The main intention here is to begin to understand what sells, as well as to learn about the most popular genres. You can likewise determine if your closest competitors are enjoying success. If so, there is nothing wrong with copying their strategies in broad strokes. This method can dramatically reduce the overall learning curve; especially if you are uncertain where to begin with your own advertising campaign.

begginer artist show work online

Color theme artist by Monika Suchodolska

Word of Mouth

One of most powerful ways to introduce your creations to the public involves using portals that you are likely already familiar with. Social media sites will allow you to resonate with a massive audience, and word of mouth is a potent way to make your presence known. The good news is that a solid social media marketing campaign will cost very little (if any) money, and you can spread your efforts across multiple channels. So, make it a point to establish pages on sites specifically associated with images. Prominent examples include Instagram and X (formerly known as Twitter).

On a final note, always remember that online advertising success represents a process, and you might not always witness results overnight. Some artists may also choose to employ third-party marketing firms; especially if they do not have the time to follow the recommendations outlined above. Still, your efforts will pay off in the long run.


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