November 14, 2019

There are many key traits that every entrepreneur needs to possess in order to have success. If you have a huge workload to sift through, it’s only natural that you will want to cut corners to save time and make you more efficient. To help speed things up and enable you to focus on the more important aspects of your business, here are 5 useful productivity tools to help you get the job done faster.


Toggl is regarded as the best productivity tool on the market, making it a breeze to integrate into your day to day activities. If you’re worried about how to get started, the tool is simple to use, meaning you will be up and running in a matter of minutes. If you’re an agency and need to plan out your day, Toggl can be a great addition to you and your workforce. Whether it’s to create a new video, write a PR piece, or perfect a blog post, Toggl allows you to track your time and daily tasks, helping you to be more productive.


Another user-friendly and practical productivity tool that you may want to consider using is Evernote. Using this tool enables you to store just about everything you need to in business, such as notes, PDF documents, and website URLS. One of the main advantages of using Evernote is that you’re able to add tags to anything that you save, making it easy to locate hundreds or thousands of handy resources you have tucked away.


If you are in the mindset of getting things done quickly and efficiently, Trello may be the perfect productivity tool for you. This software lets you dump anything that’s on your mind into one place, meaning you can engage with your team to get things completed. If you need to add more structure to your digital marketing department, using Trello can be a great addition to your operation. This tool can also be handy in all aspects of life, such as adding items to your shopping list.


In business, it’s likely that you will have all sorts of passwords to gain access to your accounts. While we know the importance of creating a strong password, it can be all too easy to forget a key digit, meaning you may be locked out of your network. If you’re known for being forgetful at times, you may want to use LastPass which is a password keeper, meaning that all your passwords are remembered and stored for every login you complete.


Dropbox has been on the market for several years already and has established itself as the go-to site for file sharing and cloud storage among your peers. If you run a digital marketing organization, having the freedom of storing data in the cloud can help cut corners and save you time.


When working on a task or project, sometimes you need to see a complete breakdown with start and end dates. Gantt is the perfect tool for this, as it helps you to see your project’s timeline, allowing for easier planning, tracking and visualizing. What’s more is that you can use a ready made template from sites like, meaning you don’t have to waste precious hours creating your own.

If you can complete work in a quicker time frame without worrying about compromising the quality, it’s a no brainer to use a productivity tool in your company. If you have a heavy workload that you see no way out of, using any of the tools listed can help you manage your workload more effectively and efficiently.


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