November 24, 2015

While the usual design and development approaches have their PROs and CONs, this new approach offers some definite advantages.

Website projects have typically followed along one of these paths:

  • Complete the design work, and turn the project over to a developer to finish the job.
  • The same individual or team does the design, development, and testing tasks.
  • The design and development work is contracted out to a third party.

The new approach, starting with a pre-built website, is faster and more affordable. Since a website can be created without a need for programming, the task is easier as well.

  • A combination conceptual design/base layout is the starting point; wireframing is no longer necessary.
  • High-quality websites can be rapidly created, irrespective of their complexity.
  • Since a website can be up and running more quickly, you can expect your profit margin to increase, even for limited-budget projects.

What does a pre-built website look like? See the following (courtesy of Be WordPress Theme):


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Web Design

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A Better Way to do Business – Install a BeTheme Pre-made Website and Edit it with Muffin Builder 3

If this new approach sounds straightforward, that’s because it really is. First, you’ll want to visit the BeTheme website where all 150+ pre-built websites are on display. Once you’ve purchased your BeTheme license, all you need to do to start a project is select a pre-built website and install it with 1 click.

After that, it’s time to turn things over to Muffin Builder 3 and BeTheme’s powerful set of core features to do the editing and page building. You still have to make the design choices and do the creative work, but these tools will do the rest, and you’ll find them extremely intuitive and easy to work with.

Watch the video to see how seamlessly everything comes together. With a little practice, you will soon be moving along at a fast clip. Creating a multi-page website in a matter of hours is a reasonable objective.

119 of the pre-built websites feature multiple pages. Select one of these, and you can have a website up and running in even less time.

Muffin Builder 3 has a new interface that makes it easier to use than ever (it practically takes you by the hand and guides you along – a click at a time). Its new Wraps feature gives you the freedom to design advanced websites that you might at one time thought were beyond your skills or the capabilities of your tools.

What You Need to Know about BeTheme

wordpress themes template

With its 40 powerful core features, 155 pre-built websites to choose from, and the 21,000+ copies sold, Be can justifiably claim to be the biggest WordPress theme ever. Be is also a ThemeForest top seller, adding further testimony to its widespread popularity within the website building community.

  • The pre-built websites are potential game changers. They make nearly everything required to create a quality website faster and easier. As the video demonstrates, they take a click to install. Then it’s a matter of building pages a click at a time.

They cover every conceivable topic and any layout style you can think of. Visit Be’s website and browse through the selection. Thanks in part to user feedback and suggestions, 8 new ones are added every month.

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  • Install a pre-built website and your project is off to a fast start. The Muffin Builder 3 editor will help you maintain or build on that momentum. If you are a Visual Composer devotee, you can use that popular page builder as well. You can in fact use both.
  • If you prefer, you can also still start from scratch with a blank screen. Select a layout, page, or grid style, and one of the 20 customizable header styles, and you’ll be off and running.
  • Be’s 200 shortcodes provide unlimited design possibilities. There are 12 skins and a 1 click skin generator to work with, unlimited colors, parallax effect, and a whole host of design elements, each of which is editable.
  • If you want your site to be Responsive or SEO, WooCommerce, RTL, or WPML ready, it’s all taken care of.

Why Users Love Be

There are reasons why Be’s users are such a happy lot. Be’s overall quality and its page-building performance are major ones. Be’s customization and flexibility features are cited time and again, and users love the possibilities the pre-built layouts afford. They are especially pleased with the level of support that is always there if they need it.

Here’s a small sampling of what Be’s users have to say:






Quality Support when You Need It

As easy and straightforward as Be is to use, it is inevitable that questions or issues will occasionally arise. It’s often a matter of a user wanting to try a new approach and is looking for assistance. Whatever issue you may have that needs to be resolved, Customer Support is never more than a click away. You can always expect prompt, courteous service from a real professional. You will never be given an “FAQ answer” that may or may not resolve your problem. You can expect to be treated for what you are – a professional.




Website projects typically start from scratch, and wireframing can at times be a trial and error approach to website design. Design and development activities may be done by different teams or individuals; which takes time.

Be is changing that. You simply start a project by installing a pre-built website. It is fast and easy, and the final result will satisfy the most demanding of clients. If you want to get your next project off to a running start, visit BeTheme’s website, take advantage of the free demos, and hop aboard!


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