November 5, 2020

Developing nations have unique challenges that influence the quality of life individuals live. Compared to other developed nations, these countries have to invest in capacity development through skills training of managers and workers besides quality education. Because of this, these countries can then effectively embrace and make use of the technology and science developments to spur their economic development.

importance technology science

illustration by Berin Holy

As noted by professional paper writers, advancement in technology and science underpin economic development as primary drivers because of its ability to alter the way of life, connectivity, transaction, and communication between people. As such, they can greatly improve the education, infrastructure, and health systems.

Role of Science and Tech in Developing Nations

The twenty-first century features technological revolutions centered on micro-processors, bio-tech, Nano-technology, and telecommunications. The products transform business practices in the economic sphere and the way of life to those who access them and their effects. However, the most outstanding breakthroughs will result from the convergence of these technologies.

The technologies can better the lives of disadvantaged or poor people in Africa and other developing nations through the eradication of scourges such as malaria. It can also cure endemic illnesses and diseases unique to developing countries.

Application and access to science and tech prove essential in the development and eradication of poverty in developing economies. It greatly influences the divide between developing and developed nations and how soon a developing nation can become a global economic powerhouse, particularly when used creatively.

As a driver of growth, technology has immense potential, and this largely remains untapped in developing nations, especially in Africa. The countries lack capital and skilled labor and use the available resources inefficiently. So why is this the case? The inputs available account for way less than the income per capita difference across nations. Therefore, the failure to adapt and adopt technologies in raising productivity accounts for the rest.

For instance, the computing power can unlock infrastructure backlogs and transform the economic performance of an economy by enabling accessible and affordable services in sectors such as healthcare and education. A combination of the internet and computers or other mobile devices have transformed the human experience by empowering individuals via access to markets and knowledge, shifting the relationship among people in authority and citizens, and allowing the emergence of new virtual communities connected electronically despite the physical or geographical barriers.

With the equitable and continued expansion of ICT in developing nations, the extent will largely depend on the availability of reliable electricity to power these gadgets. As such, the divide between developed and developing countries will largely depend on power availability over the subsequent decade or two.

Other technologies getting developed, such as cognitive enhancement and genetic engineering or cancer therapy based on protons can have revolutionary impacts. However, these need vast amounts of capital investments, which can favor the wealthy nations during the initial stages of development and widen the disparity. Further, such technologies can have enormous ethical issues or negative environmental impacts. For instance, cloning of the human embryos or genetically engineering food crops among others. But such technologies can enhance the reliability of diverse products in emerging economies.


Developing countries should promote technological advances by investing in quality skills training and education. With the spread of such knowledge, not only can these countries bridge the gap between them to the developed nations but improve the living standards of its citizens.


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