November 25, 2020

Social media has changed our lives completely. Just about everyone uses it. Instagram is a popular option. It has over a billion monthly users. Instagram offers tremendous potential. Students can utilize it to showcase their studies. They can even become an Influencer. Let’s take a look at the best tips for using Instagram as a student.

1. A Diary for Researches

One of the best ways to use Instagram is to use it as a diary for your research. Companies are always searching for the next best product. When you post about your research, you might end up receiving requests from companies who are interested in your study. Thus, it makes for a good reason to promote your Instagram profile if you want to get noticed by such companies.

instagram trends

Life in Stories Illustration by tubik.arts

Hashtags are a great tip for students as it allows them to receive much-needed recognition. However, it is vital that they add relevant hashtags with their posts. Besides, their content could even get featured. Hashtags allow one to promote their online presence. On the other hand, some platforms that can also help your content receive initial attention.

2. Boost Your Linguistic Skills

Students can improve whichever language they want by leveraging Instagram for their linguistic growth. Whether one wants to learn how to speak German or English, Instagram is here to help. It is a powerful tool. Hence, it makes sense to utilize it. Exchange opinions with others and discuss different topics. Use the platform to articulate your thoughts into the perfect sentences. Besides, one can follow relevant profiles and take part in various activities. Each of the groups require one to take part and post their thoughts. This helps boost the structure of sentences and words used.

3. Improve Your Photography Skills

When you use the platform regularly, you get to improve your photography skills. Taking pictures has become increasingly important. It is crucial to capture the right photos to promote a study or research. There are many Instagram accounts that one can follow to learn the art of capturing pictures using their smartphone. These accounts help teach you the nuances of photographs so that you can create your very own portfolio. Capture pictures of projects, studies, researches, and more, and post them on Instagram.

4. Receive Feedback

Instagram is a community of millions of students who use the platform regularly to post content. They can provide you with the feedback you need to improve your work and succeed in the world of academia. Learn from what other students have to say. Moreover, you can even connect with researchers who have worked on the same topic. Receive useful advice from others through the platform and more.

5. Boost Your Emotional Intelligence

Being a social media platform, Instagram can be used for boosting your emotional aptitude. It is crucial to succeeding in the world of academia and post-academia.

6. Develop Interpersonal Skills

To advance in your career or even land a job, one needs to possess interpersonal skills. Instagram helps students with their development. Use the platform to interact with others and acquire valuable skills. Thus, it allows you to embrace lifelong learning.

7. Disseminate Knowledge

A great thing about the platform is that it can be used for disseminating valuable information. Use it to exchange ideas with others around you. Thus, it provides you with the perfect platform to discuss important topics related to their qualifications or interests. Nothing is nobler than spreading knowledge.

8. Learn While Having Fun

A great thing about Instagram is that it makes learning a lot more fun. If you lack the motivation to study a topic, you can simply head over to Instagram to go through visual/audio content related to your subject. The following educational Instagram accounts will keep you motivated and provide you with snippets of educational content.

  • Science by Guff @science
  • Science Museum @sciencemuseum
  • Tech by Guff @tech
  • NASA Goddard @nasagoddard
  • National Geographic @natgeo

Moreover, you can take part in dialogue with other researchers and discuss the topic. Instagram is arguably one of the best places, which students can utilize to embrace a life of endless learning and fun. It is a powerful tool that can be used for carrying out all sorts of educational tasks.

9. Promotes Teamwork

As a student, it is important to learn how to collaborate with others to find solutions for common problems. This is where Instagram comes in handy. It allows students to work together and communicate with one another on the platform regardless of their location. Thus, it helps them with completing tasks and conducting research. Students can share snaps of their projects and work together to finish it before the deadline.

10. Learn More

Instagram promotes classroom productivity. It can be used by students for accessing the latest news about projects that they might be working on. They can easily look for more information on the platform and acquire more knowledge about the latest research and developments.


Once you have gone over this post, you will be able to leverage Instagram to its full potential as a student. It is suitable for conducting investigations in the fields of sociology, psychology, and marketing. Gain information about anything you desire by using Instagram and following relevant accounts.


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