August 27, 2020

Some visual artists have talent and some have humor, but quite a few have the ability to combine them into some unique artworks as well as you’ll see in these colorful character illustration by Gustavo Henrique, a 3D artist based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Although the character renders are composed of very simple shapes, we really love how everything looks good altogether. Gustavo played with the depth of field of the character illustration by exaggerating the blur of the background, that creates a seamless composition while keeping a nice separation between background and foreground.

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations

adorable character illustrations


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