May 6, 2022

You know the common saying that if you want to write well, you should read a lot of well-written literature. First, you distinguish good custom writing from might-be-better one. Second, you compare the good pieces of texts looking for what they are similar in. Third, you get a clue about how to make such good things in English by yourself. After the long path of mistakes and understanding that not all your learned tricks will work anywhere, you finally start looking for some additional inspiration from other essay writers.

It’s cool if you have some fellow students who share your passion to write and provide you with cheering assistance, but how to find a company if you’re not so socialized in a professional way? It seems like listening to original podcasts is a great idea not only for those who like to write but also for those who're not so fond of talking. It’s a great relief that you can “participate” silently in conversations of smart and talented people by listening to their high-quality podcasts.

writing podcast

illustration by andreaga

Nothing should stand in the way of your dream to become a good writer. Even if you just want to improve your skills for academic assignments, you can try buying papers written from scratch from a professional essay writing service. We’ve prepared a list of interesting and non-trivial online podcasts about writing and writers, made by practitioners and for hands-on experience. By the way, be sure to buy subscriptions for people you like to support your friends.

The Writing Life Podcast

The National Centre for Writing is one of the most cheering organizations that drive people to write more and better. Being quite famous both in the UK and USA, they provide learning courses, competitions, and other opportunities for aspiring writers.

The Writing Life podcast is kind of a silent harbor for authors of any kind. They cover a lot of topics that are interesting for all future Shakespeares and Kings. In the podcast, you can hear about the research for writing, how to try yourself in poetry, active social functions of translation, and so on.

You can learn a lot of things from practitioners that are commonly invited to the podcast’s studio by following their advice. Maybe they’re not the most famous and eccentric people, but surely the ones who understand the needs and endeavors of the listeners. Find some time to review the whole website of the center, and you’ll find a lot of useful information for your writing practice.

The Writer Files

The way writers think is similar to the eternal labyrinth of calculating possibilities, imagination VS reality fights, unexpected bursts of ideas, and one’s own emotions. The rules of grammar and style are the walls and lights of this maze. Kelton Reid is like a Theseus wandering in the shiny darkness of writers’ minds looking for treasures and adventures. He creates something like a file for each author who attends his podcast studio, reviews their works, and does everything possible to find a key to what makes a good writer. The perfect blend of skills, personal characteristics, and fortune twists is what you’ll discover with this podcast.

Sounds intriguing, if biography and interview in podcasts are a source of inspiration for your writing. The talks are relatively short, so it takes only one metro trip to get a bunch of emotions from the communication of two talented writers.

Grammar Girl

Enough lyrics! This is a podcast with short and sharp answers to questions that worry each writer: when do I put “i.e” or “e.g.”? Do all adverbs typically end in '-ly'? Well, those questions may come to you in a dream after a sleepless night of studying for a language exam. If you’re still on that side of writing, then this podcast will definitely amuse you.

The Creative Penn Podcast

This is a great podcast for those who know that writing is not only a process of stomping on a keyboard. For those of you who care about your texts from the planning stage to the victorious settling in readers’ minds with the help of publishers and marketers, The Creative Penn Podcast will be the best fitting match. It will especially be useful for freelance writers and those who want to make money out of writing.

I Should Be Writing

This is a great podcast for the writers in doubt who can’t deal with the burden of constant mistaking and further editing. It also covers the questions regarding peculiarities of winning nominations of literature competitions, all laws and rights stuff, social media for writers, etc. It has a lightweight language and sincere tone, so it’s perfect for beginners in podcasts.

Writing Excuses

These guys are specialists in irony. If you feel the healing effect of applying it to any real-life situation and on your own reactions, you’re going to love this podcast. It covers topics like how to be funny in your writing, how to make text over the structure and structure in the ready text, how to deal with procrastination, etc. Both classical and modern, it takes only 15-17 minutes to get acquainted with their episode.

The Dead Robots' Society

These guys are the most informal of all mentioned podcasts. They might discuss serious writing things mixing them with personal stories, jump from topic to topic, and even eat tacos (so don’t listen to them being hungry.) We highly recommend them if you’re more of an experienced writer and you just want to be a silent listener of a useful talk of other bright personalities.


Have you decided where to start? Here’s a quick tip: do not try to overwhelm yourself with all the podcasts at once. Take your time and try each podcast for 15-30 minutes. If there’s nothing to light up your interest, inspire, or entertain, then it’s not your podcast. No matter how famous the expert is, if they don’t bring any value to you, you shouldn’t spend your time on them.

Another pitfall you might not expect is listening to podcasts so much that you stop writing! Nobody expects you to sit over a blank piece of paper if you have zero ideas, but you must remember that writing is the best way to learn to deal with assignments, diary posts, and college essays. By the way, if you have a troublesome assignment, feel free to delegate it to research services. They will show you how to deal with your personalized task faster, and you’ll have an example to follow for your next similar essays. It’s OK to order such quick help from a dedicated website and become a customer of writing companies, as you get the same level of assistance for your studying as when you get additional tutoring or pay for podcast service. Besides, it’s quite cheap. So whatever you choose, we wish you to become the top writer of your dreams!


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