March 8, 2018

All the authors I know have become a better person when writing their book. For many, it is a daunting task and many people look for excuses not to do so, even though they know they must do it. The beginnings of writing your book can be difficult. When you think about it, you begin to delay it. From my experience, I believe that the positive aspects of writing a book outweigh the negatives. In fact, authorship can dramatically alter your life, as well as the lives of those who read your work.

write book creative

Here are some reasons on why you should write your book:

Reason 1- Credibility.

Do you know what it feels like to go out and check that hundreds of people have bought your book? Once your book is published, the opportunity door will open and you will meet people you would never think you would.

Reason 2.- Personal Growth.

There are so many rewarding challenges to write a book. If you increase your knowledge, your philosophy, and share this knowledge with others, you will inevitably achieve the growth you are looking for.

Reason 3.- Ease

Writing a book is getting easier. If you write 1,000 words per day for 30 days, you will have a 30,000 word book (150 to 180 pages). You can self-publish or you can hire someone else to do it, at a reasonable price.

Reason 4.- Inspiration for others.

When you write a book, it can be sold in several different countries. By creating more content, both online and offline, your audience will be growing every day. Why meet a demand if you can create with your pen?

Reason 5.- The extra money.

Every day, you wake up and find a substantial deposit in your bank account due to the books you have sold. You can attend events such as book signings and speeches, and sell your books by the hundreds.

Reason 6.- Train confidence.

Writing a book can train our confidence in opinion.

Reason 7.- Train how to communicate

By writing a book then your verbal communication skills will increase by itself. The ability of verbal communication can be improved by writing because writing is the key to opening our minds.

Reason 8.- Your popularity may increase

As the number of readers increases, your popularity will also increase. This means you will be able to gain more convenience, not only in relation to your book directly but also on many things. All that will benefit you, including financial gain.

Reason 9.- You may be able to bring enlightenment to society

Many cases occur where a popular book builds an awareness or enlightens the public about a serious social problem. Of course you can contribute to your community by getting them to read all the ideas contained in your book.

learn write books

Reason 10.- You can be a source of knowledge for others

Being a useful person for others is one form of great achievement in the lives of many humans. If you think that being useful to others is one of your life goals then writing a book is great for you.

Reason 11.- By writing a book you can practice your discipline

Writing a book, page by page and chapter after chapter requires discipline. You can not write a chapter then leave it for 3 months to get it started. You need the discipline to write each chapter with a regular rhythm, otherwise you will lose your moment.

Reason 12.- Of course writing a book training your patience

Writing a book is a work that is not easy and of course requires extra patience. By writing a book you can gradually increase your patience in overcoming a problem.


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