January 10, 2020

We tend to associate stickers with children’s entertainment. Yet they can be a valuable tool in business, whether you want to take your marketing to a new level or want to improve your business processes. Let’s look at some of the practical uses for printed stickers.


“Local” stickers promote a product that buyers who want to strengthen the community will want to buy. “Organic”, “non-GMO”, “all-natural” and “handmade” will promote a product to buyers who prioritize these characteristics. Call it micro-marketing to add these stickers to products on the shelf or draw attention to that part of the shelf. The stickers themselves are cheap, portable, and can be removed when no longer required. It doesn’t require putting complex displays up in the aisle or revamping the product packaging.

sticker printing

Tomatte Sticker by Fabio Benedetti

Simplifying Your Sales

Stickers are a great way to simplify selling products, especially if these items are on sale. You can draw attention to five and ten dollar items with relevant stickers on the products themselves or the shelf they sit on. Identify items that are five, ten or thirty percent off. Just make sure you educate your checkers so that they don’t take 30 percent off an item that a customer put the sticker on. Fortunately, the pricing information remains unchanged in your inventory management system, and you can flag items that are and aren’t for sale in that same system.

Sticker marketing for sales has several benefits. First, it promotes items that are for sale to people who may not have bothered to read your weekly circular. Second, it promotes the discounts at the point of purchase. This increases the odds people will put several in their cart, so that they can take advantage of the sale.

In some cases, stickers can add relevant information to marketing material. For example, you could note that this is the last week of a sale or that you’re offering even deeper discounts than what is advertised in the paper or in signs still hanging in the window.

Limiting Potential Losses

Stickers can be used to limit potential thefts. For example, you can put stickers on items as they are rung up. That makes it much harder to have one or more items in a group slip through during the checkout process. You can put stickers on bags to hold them closed. This doesn’t require a stapler, and it can be done on any type of bag. You can also put stickers on single serve items as they are sold and consumed so that customers can’t say that soda or snack bag was purchased separately elsewhere.

Build Brand Awareness

You can build brand awareness through the effective use of printed stickers. For example, you could offer donors or customers branded but practical stickers like address labels and name tags. Now they’re promoting your brand everywhere they go. Or put your business name and URL on stickers people may put on their books and laptops. Don’t forget to put the same stickers up as window decals. Put these stickers on packages you ship to customers and generic bags they use to take your products home. Or put the branded stickers on freebies you give out at public events. For example, you could put branded stickers on water bottles your business gives to runners at marathons or hands out at trade shows.


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