January 14, 2014

If you're thinking of rebranding your business (or perhaps creating fresh branding for a new business venture), it's likely that your logo design will be one of the aspects to receive a full refresh. But what exactly makes a perfect logo design?

It's certainly difficult to know where to begin when it comes to creating a logo for your business, especially if you're not actually an experienced and professional designer. I mean, should you be thinking about the colour, the typography, the shape or is there some all-important factor that you've failed to think about at all? It's certainly a difficult task and what's more, it can often seem like you're seriously lacking inspiration.

In reality though, this is not the case. In fact, most of us are bombarded with various logo's each and every day of our lives. It might be the Starbuck's logo on your morning coffee cup or perhaps the Microsoft logo (or Apple if you're a Mac user) you see each time you turn on your computer, but very few of us ever really think about the time and energy that goes into creating these instantly recognizable logos until we come to creating a logo for ourselves.


Photo Credit: Eddie Lobanovskiy

Luckily, help is at hand as the UK-based printing company, FastPrint.co.uk, recently produced this fantastic infographic (below) guiding you through the process of creating the perfect logo design.

Not only does it feature inspiring examples of the most well-known and beautifully designed logos, but it also gives actionable advice that quite literally guides you through the entire logo design process. Every logo designer should take notes, it talks about simplicity, branding and timelessness (amongst other things), all of which are vitally important things to focus on when creating a great logo.

What's more, much of the advice comes from some of the most respected designers on the planet (e.g. Jony Ive and Dieter Rams), so you can be sure they know what they're talking about. Also, if you need a logo for your business, you should run a logo design contest so you can choose the best option.



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