November 29, 2019

Design helps everyone understand things better, and its trends allow us to keep up with the modern world. It helps to communicate ideas and convey message through creativity. Whether you are an experienced graphic designer working at a graphic design agency or just getting started with learning it, you should always be on top of the trends. Understands the changing styles help to keep your work modern and at a high level. Take a look at the top trends that are set to dominate the world of graphic design in the coming years and start envisioning how these trends are going to help form your personal style.

graphic design trends 2020

Water Planet by Brenttton


In the past years we had seen more and more graphic designers using monochrome colour effects on pictures. It turns out that this trend evolved from the duotone craze from back in 2017 but is now even more simplified and continuing to grow in popularity. Next year we are going to see even more graphic designers apply monochrome to their work.

Logo Animation

Logo animation is going to be an on-going trend that will continue. There are already a lot of companies using logo animation to make their logos more elegant, bright and eye-catching. Next year we are going to see more graphic designers creating sophisticated logo animations to emphasise the features and product offerings of the brands they work for.

Text and Image Masking

Text and image masking isn't anything new in the world of graphic design, but it still looks modern and is going to be used more. This technique leaves a large portion of images unrevealed which helps to create a minimalist look. We are going to see graphic designers using text and image masking and sticking to maxi typography to achieve this effect.

Textures and Patterns

Patterns and textures were not used for quite a significant amount of time when flat design was the hot trend in graphic design. However, we are now going to see an increase in the use of textures and patterns, but it doesn't seem like they are going to be used in the traditional way. It is likely that we are going to see a combination of several textures and patterns in single designs.

Simple Illustrations

Illustrations are not new to the world of graphic design. In fact, most designers use illustrations to convey messages, ideas and communicate messages more effectively. Simple illustrations are going to be a top choice for graphic designers. The lack of detail will allow them to focus the message(s) they convey rather than the way they look.

Earthly Colours

They say that every new is well forgotten old. This statement couldn't be more on point when it comes to graphic design. In fact, did you know that the 1950s are a big source of inspiration for graphic designers? Next year will see the return of earthly colours and compositions that convey the feeling of designs from the 50s.


The on-going trend of outline typography which has been growing in popularity over the past 2 years, is now evolving into illustrated line art designs. In principle, line art is a simplified illustration style, and it is brilliant for conveying messages and ideas in a creative way. It looks elegant and clean is going to be one of the preferred styles among graphic designers.


One of the main principles of graphic design is that you have just 8 seconds to attract attention. Minimalism is a technique that is aimed at the implementation of this principle. As we get more and more caught up the Facebook and Instagram world, humans attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. This means that graphic designers are battling more and more to draw attention to their work. Which is why we are going to see this graphic design trend has become more and more used.

Asymmetrical Layouts

An asymmetrical layout, whether on an app, social media platform or design composition, demands attention. This graphic design technique makes users feel curious as to where the information and visuals might go next. We are likely going to see asymmetrical layouts become more prevalent next year because they retain people’s attention.


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