Museum of Toys is a platform for artists and toy designers, they created a set of 12 toy characters that spotlight the key workers of our global pandemic crisis, our real life heroes.

Crafted and designed by art director Maggie Michella, toy designer Jeremy Jap, and Museum of Toys' Win Satrya, the action figures characters will be available for auction from 29 August until 12 September 2020, with all the earnings going to the World Health Organisation (WHO) to help in the fight against the global pandemic.

The characters are unique and each designed, hand-painted, and crafted at home. The toys highlights the different vital roles of our society and are inspired by our real-life heroes, that continues to help us out in these troubled times. The series consists of a ambulance driver, paramedic, doctor, radiologist, pulmonologist, lab technician, security, researcher, hospital housekeeper, nurse, pharmacist, and hospital administrator.

frontline heroes toys global pandemic

frontline heroes toys global pandemic

frontline heroes toys global pandemic

frontline heroes toys global pandemic

frontline heroes toys global pandemic

frontline heroes toys global pandemic

frontline heroes toys global pandemic

frontline heroes toys global pandemic

frontline heroes toys global pandemic

frontline heroes toys global pandemic

frontline heroes toys global pandemic

frontline heroes toys global pandemic


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