November 13, 2018

Disruptive technology is defined as a type of technology that is bound to replace its current equivalent in its specific industry. A prime example of this comes in the form of the motorized vehicle, which was invented during a time when horse-drawn carriages were the main mode of land transportation. And look around you now; cars have been the staple mode of land transport for centuries and we have yet to find a new piece of tech that’s likely to replace it.

In this case, the industry is that of software development and the disruptive technology? Docker.

So, what exactly is Docker?

Docker is the most popular method of containerization. Containerization is a type of virtualization method that is strongly marketed as an alternative to the use of virtual machines.

Virtual machines are defined as “operating systems that are embedded in software that imitate the way that dedicated hardware function.”

Put in simpler terms, the purpose of a virtual machine was to make full use of a computer system’s processing power. Before virtual machines, system owners used to buy multiple systems to run one server per system, because they feared that multiple instances of a single system is going to cause a tug-of-war of sorts between two instances on the same system, thus causing stability issues.

With a virtual machine, we are now able to run multiple instances of a program on a single system, thus ensuring that we are able to utilize the system’s processing power.

software development projects

The programming team - Illustration by Paul Olek

Docker works in similar fashion, but to a higher degree. Like how the horse-drawn carriage was used to transport people, but cars did it better, Docker enables users to run multiple instances on a single machine, but better.

So, why should you use it?

Well, it’s for the same reason that we use cars instead of horse-drawn carriages to commute. The ability to run several stable container images on a single instance of Windows is extremely beneficial considering how powerful modern computer systems are getting.

But on top of that, there are many other benefits such as simplicity, stability, accurate testing and diagnosis, rapid deployment, shareability, and security. These are just a few of the most pronounced benefits of using Docker and while we’ve only scratched the surface, you can be assured that Docker, as a disruptive technology, will eventually replace virtual machines as our virtualization method of choice.

And in a similar fashion that people first needed to learn how to use cars properly, you need proper training in order to utilize Docker for your software development projects. Docker Training is one of the most comprehensive programs on the market. Considering the popularity of this software Ithe industry, it's important to keep up to date and make sure your software development team is trained properly.

Besides, wouldn’t it make sense to get as much of an edge over your competitors? Well, in the software development field, Docker is exactly that edge that would grant you a plethora of benefits, It’s just one of those innovations that a high possibility of getting adopted by everyone in the business. So, why ride in a horse-drawn carriage when you can drive a car?


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