August 18, 2020

Illustrator Ástor Alexander reimagines beautiful portraits of Disney princesses as Noir movie characters, femme-fatales starring in their own stories fit for the silver screen.

Noir film is characterized as dark, mysterious, and sometimes a little steamy. Right in the tone with the niche, the artist has taken pen to paper and illustrated our favorite Disney girls as Film Noir Princesses, portraiting them like badass femmes robbers, heist-women, sleuths, and sometimes an unknowing victim.

This style has always been a popular cinema genre (40s and 50s, but not exclusive), it shows the nitty gritty, yet still stylish Hollywood Crime Drama era with high contrast black and white film techniques. The movies have melodramatic action that can bring cynical attitudes, corruption, sexual motivations, self-destruction and maybe political meanings. Each illustration shows the well-known establish characteristics of the girls, but seamlessly fitting into the Film Noir genre, it would be refreshing to see Disney apply this movie style to their live-action films.

disney princesses movie characters reimagined

disney princesses movie characters reimagined

disney princesses movie characters reimagined

disney princesses movie characters reimagined

disney princesses movie characters reimagined

disney princesses movie characters reimagined

disney princesses movie characters reimagined

disney princesses movie characters reimagined

disney princesses movie characters reimagined


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