August 28, 2020

In this mash-up series, dutch artist Stefan Thelen removes the fantasy from iconic pop culture characters to reveal the real life counterpart of their cartoon construct.

Ordinary Humans and animal are trapped within their classic pop culture depictions, slicing through the figures to examine the reality that lays at their core. The artist address our skewed perception of reality through easily digestible cartoons, demonstrating that there can be no objectivity when it comes to our daily view of the world, a myth disguises the harsh truths.

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture

cartoons trapped pop culture


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