August 18, 2018

If you own and operate a business with an online presence, you’ll know that it’s the role of your website to captivate visitors and compel them to take action. However, it’s important to take the right steps and keep your goals in sight throughout the process. Considering whether you’ll do it yourself or enlist the help of a professional web design company is also essential.

discover the elements of effective web design

Search Site by Lily for Fireart Studio

If you want to get the most from your website but you don't know where to begin, this article details some of the vital elements you must implement in order to achieve lasting success with web design in Melbourne.


A lot of businesses set up a website without thinking about their purpose, and this mistake can cause them to fail very quickly. If you’re interested in keeping your business or organisation on the right track, you need to ensure you’re using web design correctly to highlight your purpose. Each web page you create should therefore have a clear purpose in mind. Do you want to sell something, or do you want people to join your email list? Having a clear purpose helps you decide on the type of content you’ll publish on each web page.


Having a proper layout for your website is vital if you want your visitors to take the desired action. To get started, make sure your headline and opening paragraph are the first things people see when they click on to your site. You should also break your content down using sub-headings to make it easier for people to read.

Try to limit each paragraph to between three and six sentences so that you don't turn your web visitors away. You can also include a few pictures to help your visitors connect with the message you’re communicating, but don't overdo it, as having too many images can distract your readers.

Mobile Friendly

In the past, you could make a standard website without putting too much thought into responsive design, but those days are over. More and more people are using smartphones and other portable devices to browse the internet for entertainment and shopping. A recent study has revealed that 51 percent of global web traffic comes from mobile devices. Make sure your website works well no matter what device people use to view it, or you could be wasting more than half of your web traffic. If you’re unsure how to make your website mobile friendly, a professional web design company can provide assistance.


Once you’ve decided on your purpose, crafted a winning web design layout and made your website mobile friendly, you aren’t done yet. Even if your website is showing results, you should make small changes and test the outcome to boost these results. With Google Analytics, you can see how long people stay on your website, view the links they click, and more.

If you want to see results as quickly as possible, change only one element at a time to get a clear picture of what option gives you the most favourable response. No matter how successful you are, constantly making changes and monitoring what happens is a good idea.


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