December 3, 2011

In this tutorial I will show you the steps I took to create this delicious candy cane type design using Illustrator and Photoshop. Apply this effect to your own text and create cool and unique Christmas cards!

  • Difficulty: Intermediate – Advanced
  • Completion time: 1 hour
  • Tools: Illustrator CS3, Photoshop CS3


final designioustimes candy cane type tutorial How to Create Candy Cane Typography with Photoshop and Illustrator


Open Illustrator and create a new document of “Letter” setting in CMYK color mode at 72 dpi.

1 designioustimes candy cane type tutorial How to Create Candy Cane Typography with Photoshop and Illustrator


Grab the Rectangle Tool (M) and draw a gray rectangle like below.

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Draw another rectangle, but make it a lot thinner than the previous. Also change its color to red or another color contrasting the first.

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Grab the Selection Tool (V) and rotate the second rectangle. You don’t have to be very precise with it, just follow your artistic sense.

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Hold the ALT key and click-drag the red rectangle to the right. Hold SHIFT key while dragging to move it orthogonally.

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Hit CTRL+D three times. This will duplicate your last command input – in this case, copying a shape.

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Select the gray rectangle lengthen it a bit, copy it (CTRL+C) and paste it to front (CTRL+F). Hit CTRL+SHIFT+] to bring it in front of the other shapes.

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Remove its Fill, select all the red rectangles and right-click > Make Clipping Mask. Select all artwork (CTRL+A) and hit the Merge button. Then paste in front a copy of the merged shape (CTRL+C > CTRL+F). Grab the Eraser Tool (SHIFT+E), hold the ALT key and erase the left side, along with a part of the red stripe.

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Move the copied shape to the right until the first red stripe aligns with the second stripe from the shape below it. Reduce Opacity to see it better. Now select the shape above and set its Fill color to black.

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Grab the Selection Tool (V), select the black rectangle, hold the ALT key and click-drag the middle distortion point, like below.

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In the Pathfinder window (Window > Pathfinder), click the Merge button. Then select all artwork and hit Merge again. Grab the Direct Selection Tool (A), select the black rectangle and hit Delete.

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Select all artwork and click-drag it into the Brushes palette (F7) Set it to “Pattern Brush”. Grab the Path Tool (P) and draw a long straight path. Then click the brush you just created. This is a good way to check if your pattern is correct.

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Click the Grab the Ellipse Tool (L) and draw a circle. Hold the SHIFT key while click-dragging to make it perfect.

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Click the rectangular shape and copy the Height value from the top menu bar. Select the circle and paste this value to Width and Height.

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Select both shapes and align them to horizontal axis. CTRL+click near the design to deselect, then grab the Direct Selection Tool (A) and select the left side anchorpoint of the circle and hit Delete. Align

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Grab the Selection Tool (V) and align the resulting shape like in the image below. Slect the rectangle and ALT+click-drag to create a copy. Realign the copy with its original, just like in STEP 9.

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Select the half-circle, remove its Fill, hold SHIFT and click the rectangle behind it. Now right-click > Make Clipping Mask. In the Pathfinder window (Window > Pathfinder), click the Merge button.

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Open the Swatches palette (Window > Swatches) and click-drag the resulting shape into the palette. Name this “candy-end”. In the Brushes palette (F5), select our brush. Make sure you have everything deselected (CTRL+click in a blank area).

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Open the dropdown menu and select Options. Click the last box and select “candy-end” from the list. Hit OK. Select the practice path and click the brush again. See how it looks.

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Do the same for the other end of the path.

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Now that we have a candy-like pattern brush, lets create the text. I used “Giddyup Std” font as reference. Grab the Horizontal Type Tool (T) and type the text below. Use multiple rows.

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Select all text and go to Object > Expand, then go to Object > Path > Clean up.

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In the Layers palette (F7), click the “Create New Layer” button and lock the layer below it. Select the newly created layer.

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Grab the path tool and trace the text, but do not follow it entirely, feel free to connect words, add loops and cool knots. When you’re done tracing, select all these paths. Get creative!

NOTE: If you want to change colors, simply go to the shapes created, change their colors and create a new brush. My color choice was light gray with pink. The black background if for the pics to be more clear, adding this is not compulsory.

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Go to Object Expand Appearance, then go to the Pathfinder window and hit “Merge”, then go to Object > Path > Clean up.

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Open Photoshop and go to File > New to create a new document of 1600 x 2300 px in RGB color mode at 72 dpi.

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Grab the Gradient Tool (G) and apply the gradient shown below to the background layer.

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Click-drag the vector text from Illustrator to Photoshop resize it a bit and hit enter. Right-click near the layer thumb, select “Rasterize Layer”, then click the “fx” button and select Blending Options. Use the settings below.

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Create a new layer (CTRL+SHIFT+N), set Blending mode to Multiply, grab the Brush Tool (B), set Hardness to 0% and remove any extra setting from the Brushes palette and paint some shadows to give it a more 3D look. Use a dark purple color.

Tip: CTRL+click the text layer and go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All.

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Create a new layer (CTRL+SHIFT+N) and place it below the text layer, grab the Brush Tool (B), set Hardness to 0% and remove any extra setting from the Brushes palette and paint some shadows, as if parts of the text bend away from the wall.

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Open the “paper texture”. Select all (CTRL+A), copy it (CTRL+C) and paste it into our document (CTRL+V).Place the layer above the background layer. Resize it to fit the canvas and hit Enter. Set Blending mode to Multiply.

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Go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid color… and Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Balance, Black & White. Use the settings below for each.

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Select all artwork (CTRL+A, copy merged (CTRL+SHIFT+C) and paste it. Go to Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask. Hit OK.

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