January 3, 2023

Meet Joe Murtagh, a Liverpool-based mixed media artist whose work is characterized by a bold use of color and expressive mark-making. Murtagh is fascinated by the interplay of contrasts and layers, seeking to uncover the emotions and stories that lie beneath the surface. He enjoys challenging his own and the viewer's expectations through experimentation and play.

art joe murtagh

In the creation of his art, Murtagh draws inspiration from a variety of sources, including images, movie scenes, and bits of music and lyrics that speak to him. He then blends these elements together in search of a harmonious balance. Often, it is only after completing a piece that Murtagh fully understands its meaning, which frequently evolves and deepens, leading him down unexpected paths of exploration and self-discovery.

art joe murtagh

Murtagh's mixed media paintings are a testament to his ongoing quest to understand and express the complexities of the human experience. His work invites viewers to join him on this journey, to explore and discover their own insights and emotions through the vibrant, dynamic medium of art.

art joe murtagh

art joe murtagh

art joe murtagh

art joe murtagh

art joe murtagh

art joe murtagh

art joe murtagh

art joe murtagh

art joe murtagh

art joe murtagh


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