October 3, 2022

Virtual Reality (VR) is a type of technology that is used to create a digital world. Specialized computer programs produce imagery that transports users into a fully simulated environment.

virtual reality

illustration by Roman Klco

Currently, VR is used mainly in the gaming world but its applications go far beyond enhancing the gaming experience. Virtual Reality Design can be used in multiple industries to create a unique experience for consumers.

Let’s cover Virtual Reality and its many applications in more detail.

What is Virtual Reality?

You’ve probably heard of Virtual Reality before. Maybe you’ve worn a pair of VR goggles in the past and have an idea of how this technology works.

But if you have no idea about VR, we’re going to cover the basics here.

Virtual Reality describes the way computer technology can be used to create a fake world. This digital world can be delivered via a pair of specialized goggles or a headset.

When you wear a pair of VR goggles or a VR headset, the computer-generated imagery floods your brain with sensory information. Your brain processes these sensory stimuli the same way it processes sensory input from real-life experiences.

Because the brain cannot easily distinguish between real-life stimuli and sensory information from computer-generated images, VR creates a world that feels real to the user.

What Are the Applications of Virtual Reality?

VR is most commonly known for its application in the gaming world. However, it has the potential to enhance multiple industries, including the following.

VR and Gaming

We can’t talk about the uses of VR without mentioning the gaming industry. Virtual Reality was introduced to gamers a while back and it’s only advanced since then.

virtual reality design

illustration by Hurca!

VR headsets can be used to transport players into online games. It creates an unforgettable experience that leaves gamers wanting more. This type of technology is suitable for most game genres, whether it’s an open-world survival game or a spooky zombie game.

VR and Medicine

More recently, the healthcare industry has embraced VR to improve medical training. VR can be used to create interactive activities that enable medical students to practice surgical procedures and physical examinations in a simulated environment.

VR is a great learning tool that eliminates the health and safety risks of practicing on real patients. It also reduces the financial burden on healthcare facilities by creating a reusable learning resource.

VR and Sports

Although a lesser-known use, VR has the potential to transform the sporting industry. Team players, coaches, and sports fans can benefit from VR.

Players can use the computer-generated world that VR creates to practice for upcoming games and learn new skills in a safe space. Coaches can teach their team players how to react in certain situations by simulating different scenarios using VR technology.

Sports broadcasters can use VR to stream live events so that thousands or even millions of fans can view sports games from almost anywhere in the world.


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