December 20, 2021

Learning has never been any more accessible than it currently is, thanks to the revolution brought by technology. With so many e-courses available, people worldwide can sign up for a program they are interested in. The learning evolution has not only made it easier for everyone to gain knowledge but has also created an opportunity to make money.

how to create ecourse

illustration by Taqiyuddin amri

If you are looking for a source of passive income that still offers a sense of satisfaction, creating an e-course may be what you need – it is an infinite product that doesn't require much maintenance. Besides its monetary value, it is an excellent platform for entrepreneurs to reach out to millions of learners across the globe.

Although the benefits of having an e-course are alluring, how you execute your idea determines the success of your platform. Much time and money are needed to create a practical course that will appeal to all demographics.

You need to consider different factors before making an e-course, such as the right subject for your class, a learning model, and an effective delivery platform. Visuals also play a significant part in the effectiveness of your e-course. For this reason, consider working with skilled graphic artists. If you can’t afford much in this part of the design area, you can consider opting for services where you can pay a fixed monthly subscription fee and get any amount of work done with the help of the Brandripe graphic designers.

Here are some guidelines to help you create an e-course that sells.

Establish the right subject for your course

If you are going to teach about a particular subject, you should be well informed. There are no limitations to what you can offer your students, and e-courses are diverse – from business to music, customer care, personal development, technology, health, and wellness, among others. Factors like your passion may dictate your niche.

After identifying a specific course subject, take an extra step to learn about the market, including your competitors. Skim through the courses they offer, and while at that, identify any loopholes you can exploit. Filling in the gaps will help you develop a unique system with different and exciting information from the usual.

Identify your target audience/learners' problems

Understanding the needs of your learners goes a long way into making an e-course effective. Be keen on their areas of interest, such as health education or SEO marketing strategies. Although it may involve plenty of research, it goes a long way into making your e-course productive.

From your subject area, you have an idea of who a potential learner could be. However, do not limit yourself and be open-minded as you could find a new target audience you never thought of. Instead of working with assumptions, you can identify the learners’ problems by:

  • Send a survey to your subscribers with questions on their areas of interest or what they are willing to learn.
  • Set up a poll of online forums such as Instagram and Twitter to help you understand your followers’ needs. You can get more ideas about what you can include or exclude in your subject through this.

Select a learning model

While it is evident that e-courses are offered online, their delivery methods differ, and examples include film presentations, live classes, audio recordings and written lessons. Conducting research may help you understand the most appealing yet effective learning model for most students.

For example, most learners prefer video learning to other formats such as written notes. Fortunately, you don't have to appear on the video if you don't want to. There are options such as talking head and piece to camera style videos which are easy to film and offer a close connection between a teacher and learners.

Screencasts with a voice-over are also effective teaching styles that you may use, and depending on your budget, you can offer animated lessons. However, writing out assignments might be a cheaper alternative if you are on a tight budget. Consider offering shorter classes or mini-lessons rather than a long class.

Choose a delivery platform

Once you have established your subject area and identified the needs of your audience, you should have a place where you can channel your information. It can be tricky, especially if you don't know your way around online forums. Thanks to the different online course platforms available, you are not starting on a blank page.

how to create e course

illustration by Aria Zidaniro

However, some platforms are better than others, and researching them will help in your decision-making. You can create a website that gives you total control over membership, pricing, and appearance if you have the resources.

Creating a selling e-course is feasible, especially after factoring in your subject area and your audience's problems. Having the above insight is the first in the creation of your e-course.


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